
Music and foreign language: do they help each other?

Of course there are thousands of studies that can support the theory that listening to music helps not only memory, but also to learn a foreign language unconsciously.

For example, if you are singing one of the songs of Rihanna, Beyonce, etc. you have started pronouncing English words with an American accent. while Dua Lipa, Adele apo Ed Sheeran they have their own songs with a British accent.

But what is music that attracts us so much, how sometimes we forget the tasks we have and get lost in our favorite songs?!

It is exactly the sound, rhythm and rhyme. The music suits our emotional state and if you would have a song in a foreign language for each state even better, increase the chances of learning that language even faster.

The advice I always give to my students is:


  1. Try to avoid songs in Albanian and make a list of songs in the foreign language you are learning. At first the change will seem a little difficult but you will get your hands on it
  2. Choose one to three favorite songs from time to time and try to memorize at least the chorus. This will reward you and you will enjoy the song more (without realizing that it is also helping you with the language)
  3. The songs you will always list choose with the lyrics in the video, not with the video clip. A two-way street as we call it… both enjoy the music and read as you pronounce the words.
  4. Enjoy!!! This is the last piece of advice! If in a week you have managed to learn a new song then you have succeeded!


In conclusion, I can tell you that just like everything else, learning a language is a lifelong process.. But it is ok to be wrong, to pause and restart again. Because if you have the desire, everything can be achieved at the right time!


SAPIENTIFY is the first Albanian platform 100% online that offers you:

  • Practicing foreign languages, with themes of everyday life
  • Possibility to choose between different teaching methods
  • Individual or group courses at affordable prices
  • Ease of setting schedules, according to your free schedules (09:00- 22:00)

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